Thursday 10 April 2008

There's A Monkey On My Back

Drug abuse isn't a new concept and here, with this cover from long gone EC comics publisher, we face it again. This though is the 1950s and for a short time the EC (Entertaining Comics) would shine and take the genre into more adult lead themes.

Unfortunately, this would be EC's undoing and it would be investigated by the Un-American Activities Committee and found guilty of corrupting 1950s children, a famous US doctor made a small fortune writing a book to prove this point. True story and EC was hounded out of the comic publishing busy, with the exception of its single title, the humour magazine, Mad.

I suppose I'm back to my old hobby horse here, and maybe the theme of this blog that comics are not necessarily for children. And the other theme would be society's need blame things for the behaviour of their off-spring.

Rock and Roll music, comics, video nasties, drugs, console games. But I'm a foster carer too and the thing that I find corrupts children the most is their unthinking and uncaring parents.

Whereas a EC comic book would really be there to put them straight. Drugs, as you can clearly see from the cover, suck.

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